
From Research to Reflection

GPG Key Migration

Migrate GPG Keys from One Workstation to Another

Replace [your key] with your key ID

To obtain your key ID

gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format LONG

Which returns something like

sec   rsa4096/[your key] 2018-03-30 [SC]
uid                 [ unknown] angela (KEY NAME) <user@domain>
ssb   rsa4096/ABCDEFGHIJKL 2018-03-30 [E]

After the key size rsa4096/ is your key ID.

Export the key in preparation to move it

gpg --export -a [your key] > gpg-pub.asc

Prepare the secret key for migration (if password protected, you’ll be prompted to enter it)

gpg --export-secret-keys -a [your key] > gpg-sc.asc

Find them

ls -l gpg*.asc

Drag the key pair from the current directory to your USB stick or however else you move them.

Once on the new machine, import them

gpg --import gpg-pub.asc

If password protected, you’ll be prompted to enter it

gpg --import gpg-sc.asc

If you need to adjust the trust level

gpg --edit-key [your key]